
Hi there! My name is Abdelouahab and I am a DevOps engineer, software developer and a  cloud enthusiast. I have always been passionate about technology and how it can be used to solve problems and make our lives easier.

I started my journey into software development a few years ago and have since fallen in love with the field. I am constantly learning and experimenting with new technologies and approaches, and I love the challenge of solving complex problems and building useful software.

In recent years, I have become particularly interested in cloud computing and DevOps practices. I believe that these technologies and practices have the potential to revolutionize the way we build and deploy software, and I am excited to be a part of this movement.

Through my personal website, I hope to share my journey into software development, cloud, and DevOps with others who are interested in these fields. I'll be posting about my experiences, challenges, and lessons learned, as well as sharing resources and tips that I find helpful.

Thank you for visiting and I hope you find my website useful and informative!